Books for UPSC - CSE
Recommended Books for UPSC-CSE (General Studies)
- The Foundation and the First Line of reading while preparing for the Preliminary Test and Main Examination is the Volumes of ‘ Books’ on General Studies and the Monthly Current Affairs published by Dronacharya Civil Services Academy. Apart from these Volumes, the aspirants should study the following books.
Advance Level Books
Indian History:
- 1. India’s Ancient Past by R.S. Sharma published by Oxford University Press
- 2. A History of Ancient & Early Medieval India by Upinder Singh
- 3. History of Medieval India (800–1700 AD) by Satish Chandra published by Orient Longman
- 4. History of Modern India by Bipin Chandra (2009 Edition)
- 5. India's Struggle for Independence by Bipin Chandra & Others
- 6. India After Independence (1947 - 2000) by Bipin Chandra & Others
- 7. From Plassey To Partition And After by Sekhar Bandopadhyaya
World History:
- 1. The Story of Civilization, Part 2 by Arjun Dev, NCERT
- 2. Contemporary World History for class XII (Old NCERT Book)
- 3. Mastering Modern World History by Norman Lowe
- 1. Certificate Physical & Human Geography (Oxford) by Goh Cheng Leong.
- 2. NCERTs (New Editions)
- 3. XI Standard:
I. India - Physical Environment.
II. Fundamentals of Physical Geography..
I. India - People & Economy.
II. Fundamentals of Human Geography...
- 4. School Atlas - Orient Black Swan
- 5. Indian Geography by D. R. Khullar
- 1. XI Standard NCERT on Indian Society (Chapters on Unity & Diversity and Population Issues) .
- 2. XII Standard NCERT (Chapters on Communalism, Secularism and Urban Issues such as Poverty, Housing, etc.)
- 3. The Hindu or Indian Express Newspaper
Indian Polity:
- 1. Constitution of India at Work (Class XI) NCERT Publication
- 2. Indian Polity by Laxmikanth
- 3. The Hindu or Indian Express Newspaper.
- 4. Yojana Magazine
Governance Issues:
- 1. From Government to Governance by Kuldeep Mathur.
- 2. Ethics in Governance, ARC Report
- 3. Citizen Centric Administration (Chapters 2, 5, 6, 7 & 8 only and box items in the report).
- 4. Yojana Magazine
Developmental Issues:
- 1. Human Development Report & World Development Report
- 2. Panchayati Raj in India by Kuldeep Mathur.
- 3. The Hindu or Indian Express Newspaper
- 4. Kurukshetra & Yojana Magazines
International Relations
- 1. India’s Foreign Policy Since Independence by V.P. Dutt.
- 2. The Hindu or Indian Express Newspaper
Indian Economy:
- 1. Indian Economic Development XI Standard NCERT
- 2. Indian Economy by Sanjiv Verma.
- 3. Introductory Macroeconomics XII Standard NCERT (Ignore all diagrams & mathematical formulas).
- 4. The Hindu or Indian Express Newspaper
- 5. Economics Dictionary published by Collins & Penguin.
- 6 .Economic Survey 2023-24 Highlights.
Ecology & Environment:
- 1.Certificate Physical & Human Geography by Goh Cheng Leong (Second Half of the Book)
- 2. XII Standard NCERT Book on Biology (Chapters pertaining to Ecology).
- 3. India Year Book (Chapters on Environment)
- 4. Chapter on Climate Change from Economic Survey.
- 5. The Hindu or Indian Express Newspaper.
Security Issues
- 1. India’s Security in a Turbulent World by Jasjit Singh, published by National Book Trust of India
- 2. The Hindu or Indian Express Newspaper.
Science & Technology:
- 1. VIII, IX, X Standard NCERT books on Biology
- 2. The Hindu or Indian Express Newspaper
- 3. Monthly Magazine ‘Science Reporter for Science & Technology’.
Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude:
- 1. Ethics in Governance, ARC Report.
- 2. Lexicon by Chronicle Publications.
- 3. The Book on Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude published by Access Publication.